From the 12th-14th July I was a part of Bright Networks Internship experience. This specialised in business, operations and marketing and I saw it as a fun opportunity to learn more about different sectors as well as connect with some like minded people. To achieve the certificate, we all had to provide a proposal in response to a brief about a flower company looking to expand into another UK city as it was previously based in London. Below you will find my own submission.
Furthermore, as part of the experience we helped each other with peer to peer feedback. It was particularly interesting that my peer partner chose a more technical approach, whereas my version was less technical and more creative, we were both able to give each other interesting feedback on what can be improved, although it probably would have been covered if the brief allowed us to make a proposal longer than 3-5 slides.
Overall, I learnt a lot during this experience and it is definitely something I would consider doing again.