This is my own personal advice on how to work from home and make of the most of the pandemic. As most of you will know I am a University student, so motivation, at the best of times is difficult, but particularly now, it is most difficult. Nevertheless, self-motivating is now more important than ever, so here's my tips:
Make a 'to do list', just some tasks to complete that week in descending order of importance. As a student, I now have online lectures and assignments to complete, so at the top will be lectures, then reading, then completing at least 250 words a day for an assignment. Top tip: don't make it too heavy as you will feel overwhelmed and less motivated, make time for yourself, some hobbies and some down-time.
Create a 'work environment', I have found that if I attempt to do work from my bed then I will struggle to sleep, so I created a work space in a make-shift office. A desk, charger and natural light tends to help.
Keep to a reasonable routine, getting into the mind-set of 'I don't have anything to do tomorrow, so I will have a lie-in' might seem nice at the time but it doesn't help in the long run. This will also help if you have children as they will thrive when they stick to a routine.
Utilise online resources, there are so many useful resources out there to help your children like BBC bitesize, the maths factor, and so many more online free resources. Also, utilise YouTube for the older children, like GCSE and A Level students.
Most of all, in line with the governments advice in regards to the pandemic (bearing in mind this was written on 31st March 2020, a lot might have changed), take advantage of the daily exercise allowed (permitting you do not present symptoms and keep to 2 meters apart) and really take in the fresh air, productivity will really decrease if you don't make time for yourself.
Those were some of my top tips, I hope you will find them useful and I hope you will all stay safe throughout the pandemic, and remember, this will end.